A Professional Woman’s Guide to Finding Authentic Work-Life Balance
By Dawn L. Baker, MD, MS
It is not lazy, irresponsible, nor unprofessional to consider, and possibly give up, your position on the treadmill of achievement. On the contrary, cultivating self-awareness and making needed changes to your work-life balance is the most responsible thing you can do—for yourself, for your family, and for your patients and clients. It takes courage to step off the familiar treadmill and onto an unworn, unconventional path to your own fulfillment. This is not about leaning back. It’s about leaning out.
Today, women have myriad choices and opportunities, but are they better off as a result? The pervasive message that women should “lean in” and hustle for higher pinnacles in their professions is costing their health, sanity, and fertility. How can you step off the treadmill of achievement and find your own authentic work-life balance? This book offers practical information and exercises for getting started. It also includes inspiring stories of women who have taken the unconventional, counterculture path of leaning out.
“Dr. Dawn Baker inspires and guides women to be brave enough to carve out their own work-life balance. A much-needed message with valuable exercises!” —Sasha Shillcut, MD, FASE, physician, coach, organizational leader, and author of Between Grit and Grace and Brave Boundaries
“Such a timely, needed book with a thorough exploration of how to find our true selves in a world that screams ‘women must do, and be more, more, more.’” —BC Krygowski, MD, physician, blogger, and author of Spending Habits for Professionals Who Want to FIRE
“With Lean Out, Dr. Baker has articulated a counterculture philosophy of living life to its fullest. Her conversational style of writing and generous sharing from her own life, coupled with stories from other women professionals, serve as a guide that unlocks the secrets to that authentic, balanced, happy life we all crave.” —Robyn Alley-Hay, MD, physician, coach, and author of Meditations for Women Physicians (and Others) Who Do Too Much
About the Author
Dawn L. Baker, MD, MS, is a physician, writer, speaker, and life coach. She helps professionals step off the treadmill of achievement, rediscover their true selves, and cultivate a practice of balance that is right for them. She and her family live on an off-grid, mountain property in southern Utah.
Format: Paperback
Trim size: 5×8
Cover price: $18
ISBN: 978-1-958711-31-6
Page count: 144 pages