By Jon Wilcox
About the Book
Help prevent information overload and get your point across. Follow the Cise Brother’s advice and excel in your career.
What could be more fun and serious than an adult comic book with a paramount message?
This could be the most important leadership book you ever give to yourself or your team. Display it proudly as a reminder for you and your colleagues to be Cise!
About the Author
Jon Wilcox has enjoyed a diversified engineering career, including working on industrial air pollution controls, robotics, fighter aircraft fuel controls, and hydraulic systems that lifted rockets up to the launch pad. After 25 years in industry, Jon changed his career to help people buy and sell their most valuable assets, real estate, currently in Pennsylvania and Florida. One of Jon’s passions is leadership, and he wants help people learn valuable lessons in leadership so that they can enjoy better careers as well as home lives. Jon earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University and a master’s degree in business from Rensselaer Polytechnic University (RPI). For more information, visit www.TopDogLeadership.Life.
Format: Hardcover
Trim size: 5×8
Cover price: $14.95
ISBN: 978-1-952481-67-3
Page count: 26 pages