Discover, Define and Align the True Value of Your Life, Leadership and Legacy

By Traci Philips

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Looking In provides a compelling message for today’s leaders and career professionals who are faced with common self-identity and confidence challenges.  To find our way at any time, especially during times of change and uncertainty, we must learn the value of looking in to that innate place which exists within each of us.

In her inaugural book, Traci Philips invites readers to seek their personal answers and path in the outside world, by building an awareness and understanding of who they are at their innate core.  It is in who we came to be and the value of this that we are to live and lead most powerfully.

As an Executive Leadership and Performance Coach to Visionaries, Traci has helped countless corporate and business professionals successfully and consciously lead and communicate who they are with integrity and truth.  She has worked with ex-executives in federal prison, high-ranking corporate leaders and serial entrepreneurs who have created businesses that launched a new norm within their industries.  Traci understands how to cultivate vision and communicate its value.  She has developed unique ways to recognize and translate patterns in thought, emotion, language and behavior that can lead to successful and unsuccessful outcomes.  Traci applies her knowledge and skill to a process that teaches executive leaders how to access and recognize the 3 Zones that directly affect the way they live, lead and perform.

In this book, Traci discusses these 3 Zones and explains how to uncover and define each, in order to determine your truest value, most productive and authentic approach to delivering this value and the impact and legacy you came to create and experience in your lifetime.

It’s all within you now.  If you’re ready to decode and realize your mission and greatness, Looking In is where you need to begin.

About the Author
Traci Philips

Format: Paperback
Trim size: 5×7
Cover price: $15.00
ISBN: 978-1-952481-33-8
Page count: 120