by Anne Corley Baum

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Small Mistakes, Big Consequences is a lighthearted look at the top 16 business mistakes that people make without realizing the potential consequences. Learn how to identify these common character mistakes that can make or break your relationships. Avoid making these mistakes yourself and learn how to work with and manage these personality types.
Discover how to:
• Be perceived as sincere and trustworthy
• Empower your team for greater success
• Help team members take accountability for their actions
• Encourage others to listen to your perspective
• Present your best, most professional self
Small Mistakes, Big Consequences is filled with simple, actionable business tips to help you succeed. It’s your guide to navigating the speed bumps on the road to the corner office.

About the Author
Anne Corley Baum is the Lehigh Valley executive & vice president, distribution channels and labor relations for Capital BlueCross. Prior to joining Capital BlueCross, she taught leadership to high potentials on their way to the C suite through the executive coaching programs and seminars of her company, Vision Accomplished. Anne believes that being active in the community is critical to success, and she has served on or led many boards.
She has received numerous awards for her leadership, including the Athena International Award and Pennsylvania Best 50 Women in Business. Anne was certified by the Protocol School of Washington as a protocol and etiquette consultant, and she is a graduate of the University of Illinois and Rush University.

• Format: Paperback
• Trim size: 5×7
• Cover price: $10
• ISBN: 978-1-7323016-2-7
• Page count: 64

Media Hits!
Emerge Woman Magazine
Anne Baum